A Centaur Tamed by Cupid, After the Antique Sculpture (Album I)
WAG 1995.114
Either a copy after the restored antique statue formerly in the gardnes of Cardinal Scipione Borghese's Palazzo del Borgo, Rome (as engraved in 'Raccolta di statue antiche e moderne', 1704, pl. LXXII), or a 'reconstruction' of one of 2nd-century BC grey marble 'Centaurs' (minus cupid but supported by a tree-trunk) by Aristeias and Papias, discovered at Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli in 1736 when Hussey was in Rome, and now in the Capitoline Museum ('Masterpieces of the Capitoline Museum', Rome 1996, pp. 30-31), which was engraved by Dequevauvillier after a drawing by Vauthier.
[Brooke, 1998]