Dante's Tomb, Ravenna



This is a view of Dante's tomb, situated in Ravenna, Italy The mausoleum was built in the Neo-Classical style by Camillo Morigia in 1780. It is situated near the Basilica of Saint Francis, shown on the right, where Dante's funeral took place. Dante was permanently exiled from his home town, Florence, after the Guelph-Ghibelline conflict in 1301 - he was on the losing Guelph side. While in exile, he finished 'Paradiso'. He died in 1321 while returning to Ravenna from a diplomatic mission in Venice. During his career, George travelled extensively throughout Europe, visiting Belgium, Holland, France, Germany and Italy where he executed many of his watercolour drawings and etchings depicting architectural views. He contributed a number of original etchings to 'The Portfolio', England's leading art journal in the late 19th century, and examples of his prints can be found in the collections of the British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum.