Figure of Isis with Horus the Child



A bronze statuette of a goddess nursing the infant Horus, a role normally associated with Isis, seated on a separately worked throne (now lost). In the past this statuette has been interpreted as the goddess Hatmehit who is usually represented in human form wearing a crown surmounted by a fish. However, the fish is a modern addition and the two did not belong together in antiquity. The fish is a cruder, more copper rich, ancient work that was attached (before acquisition in 1867) by soft solder into a crudely filed 'V' slot on Isis's crown. What is left of the original crown, a modius framed by cobras, would seem consistent with the goddess being identified as Isis. She wears a long sheath-shaped dress, adorned with a collar necklace. A uraeus (raised cobra) headdress covers her long tripartite wig. Her eyes are inlaid with gold with a black material for the pupil (now lost from left eye). Horus (separately cast) is nude, wearing only a uraeus above his forehead. Air Raid Protection no. 1512.