Sealing of King Aha


Part of a jar-seal of pale brown clay, bearing the impression of a seal rolled across the surface. There are impressions showing two lines of serekhs surmounted by falcons containing the name of Hor-Aha ('h3). The lowest line contains two complete serekhs and the top line is only fragmentary. Sandy composition with white inclusions, interior has impression of storage jar rim and contains organic remains of yellow fibre. Marked by the excavtator in black ink '97' indicating it corresponds to pl. XIV [no. 97] in the publication "The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties", 1901, Part II. This fragment comes from 'Tomb B19', Petrie's tomb of Aha-Men. On the catalogue card made by Professor Percy Newberry he notes that it was marked B.19 in ink but this is no longer visible - possibly broken off? The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. 1901. Part II, pl.XIV [97]