Wine Amphora
Slender amphora with a pointed base. Conical body with cylindrical neck, rolled rim and two intact vertical handles. Cream-slipped burnished surface. A type of amphora produced in the Ramesside Period (19th Dynasty). The morphological characteristics suggest that it was manufactured in the Delta. Annotated with a line of hieratic in black on the shoulder (110 mm long): "Vintner [...] in the possession of [...]. There are three historic labels with the object, one includes a copy of the inscription by Percy Newberry. Marked by the excavator in black ink 253E. Found in tomb 253 E'05 along with two large ear ornaments also in World Museum's collection (no.; some pottery vessels now in the Garstang Museum of Archaeology (nos. E4352, E4540 & E6008); and a small Egyptian alabaster vessel.
CONDITION NOTE 1998: Incomplete - cracks on surface, pitted, chipped, discoloured, adhesive on surface.
Danson Catalogue 1 no. 100, "Tall slender, pointed wine jar of grey pottery with 2 handles 22 1/2 high 6 1/8 (exclusion of handles). It has a hieratic inscription round the shoulder, in which the word KAMU (vineyard) can be made out. Found in tomb no. 253, by Prof Garstang, at Esneh 1906. Undamaged,”
Compare with Anna Wodzińska, 'A Manual of Egyptian Pottery Volume 3: Second Intermediate Through Late Period', (Boston MA, 2010) p. 70 (New Kingdom 23); David Aston, 'Egyptian Pottery of the Late New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period (twelfth - Seventh Centuries BC): Tentative Footsteps in a Forbidding Terrain' (Heidelberg, 1996) p. 66, fig 203c.