Tour of the International Slavery Museum

Key stage 3, 4 or 5 workshop

For more than 400 years the transatlantic slave trade was responsible for the forced migration of over 12 million children and adults from Africa to the Americas. Despite being forcibly removed from their homes and having their identities and culture ripped away, enslaved African people and their descendants have had the bravery and courage to resist and persist.

This guided tour introduces students to fundamental aspects of transatlantic slavery, Liverpool’s involvement in the trade, and its impact on the lives of those involved.

Available Tuesday-Friday at 10.15am, 11.30am, 1.15pm during term time.

Workshop details

During this tour pupils will encounter incredible artefacts and artworks that will deepen their understanding of the local and global impact of transatlantic slavery.

Pupils will be provided with a brief induction, discussing terminology, misconceptions, and a code of conduct to help prepare them before encountering challenging exhibits within the museum.

The tour will explore significant themes such as: West African cultural history, forced migration, plantation life and abolition.

This unique learning experience illustrates the massive impact of transatlantic slavery on the world and the ways it continues to impact our lives today. P

upils will gain a better understanding of diversity and difference, the process and fight for change, difficulties faced by those experiencing racism, and relationships between different groups of people.

The tour also provides an opportunity for pupils to explore their own identities, and gain an understanding of the current social challenges like those highlighted by Black Lives Matter.

Practical information for your visit

Visiting the International Slavery Museum - information for groups (pdf)

Image © Pete Carr

Curriculum links

Key stage 3 History

  • How people’s lives have been shaped by Britain and how this nation has influenced and been influenced by the wider world
  • Britain’s involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, including its effects and its eventual abolition

Key stage 3 Citizenship

  •  The precious liberties enjoyed by the citizens of the United Kingdom
  • The ways in which citizens can work together to improve their communities

Fundamental British Values


  • Pupils take a role in group discussion and debate.
  • Pupils work collaboratively and contribute to group decisions about evidence.

Individual liberty

  • Pupils are encouraged to voice opinions appropriately, as well as listen to and respect the opinions of others.

Tolerance and mutual respect 

  • Build an understanding of respect, tolerance and freedom, as well as individual and collective responsibilities to protecting fundamental rights.
  • Enable students to contribute to a more welcoming, tolerant and inclusive environment.

Art and Design

  • Learn about the history of art, craft, design and architecture, including periods, styles and major movements from ancient times up to the present day.
  • Learn to increase their proficiency in the handling of different materials.
  • Learn to analyse and evaluate their own work, and that of others, in order to strengthen the visual impact or applications of their work.

Key Stage 4 History

OCR History A

Impact of Empire on Britain 1688-1730 Depth Study

  • The involvement of the British population in the slave trade including: the development of ‘slave ports’ – Bristol, Liverpool, London – growth of ideas of a racial hierarchy and impact of these ideas on settled minority communities; opposition to slavery and the slave trade

AQA History

Paper 2: Shaping the Nation

Britain: Power and the people: 1170 to the present day

  • Equality and rights
  • Minority rights: the development of multi-racial society since the Second World War; discrimination, protest and reform; the Brixton Riots, their impact, including the Scarman Report.
  • Protest and change: campaigning groups and their methods and impact, including the Anti-Slavery movement

Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day

  • Looking west - Sugar and the Caribbean: piracy and plunder; the development of the slave trade, including John Hawkins; settlements in Barbados and West Indies; the economic and social impact of the slave trade on Britain.
  • Colonisation in North America: causes and consequences of British colonisation; Raleigh; Jamestown; contact and relations with indigenous peoples; commodities; Pilgrim Fathers; indentured servants; the War of Independence, loss of American colonies.

Expansion and empire

  • Expansion in Africa: causes and impact of British involvement; trade and missionary activity; South Africa; Egypt; the Scramble for Africa; Cecil Rhodes; the Boer War (1899–1902); imperial propaganda.

Britain in the 20th century

  • The legacy of Empire: ‘Windrush’ and the Caribbean migrants; the work of Claudia Jones in the UK; migration from Asia and Africa, including the role of Amin in Uganda; the Commonwealth; the Falklands War.

Understanding the modern world

Conflict across America 

  • The background to the American Civil War: differences between North and South, issues of slavery, westward expansion and free states abolitionism; breakdown of the Missouri Compromise, John Brown, the roles of Lincoln and Jefferson Davis; the social and economic impact of the American Civil War on civilian populations.

American people and the 'Boom'

  • Divided society: organised crime, prohibition and their impact on society; the causes of racial tension, the experiences of immigrants and the impact of immigration; the Ku Klux Klan; the Red Scare and the significance of the Sacco and Vanzetti case.

Post-war America

  • Racial tension and developments in the Civil Rights campaigns in the 1950s and 1960s: Segregation laws; Martin Luther King and peaceful protests; Malcolm X and the Black Power Movement; Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968.

OCR History A Explaining the Modern World

The Impact of Empire on Britain 1688–c.1730

  • the economic, social and political impact in Britain of imperial expansion.
  • the impact on the British Isles of English expansion.
  • the significance of English and British expansion in this period.

Urban Environments: Patterns of Migration (1)

  • buildings including visible evidence of changing use and building styles
  • names and signs including street names, shop fronts and signage
  • on-site information about a key event
  • related contemporary documents linked to the site including contemporary maps and plans
  • related oral histories either in archives or collected by learners • local history collection

Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010

  • Reasons for immigration – differing political, economic, social and religious reasons.
  • The experience and actions of immigrants – positive actions and experiences such as community cohesion and contribution, and negative experiences and resistance to discrimination.
  • Responses to immigration – including responses from government and established communities.
  • Impact of immigration – including social, cultural, economic, religious and political impacts.
  • The impact of immigration on Britain’s relationship with the wider world.
  • (from c1500) Ideas of national ‘identity’ – how we have differently defined ‘Englishness’ and ‘Britishness’ over time

AS/ A level History AQA

Industrialisation and the people: Britain, c1783–1885

  • Pressures for change: the anti-slavery movement

The British Empire, c1857–1967

  • The development of Imperialism, c1857–c1890
  • The expansion of the British Empire in Africa; the Suez Canal and Egypt
  • Imperial and colonial policy; colonial policy and the scramble for Africa; informal empire

Imperial consolidation and Liberal rule, c1890–1914

  • The consolidation and expansion of the British Empire in Africa
  • Imperialism: supporters and critics; National Efficiency; the British Empire and popular culture; representations of empire
  • Imperialism challenged, 1914–1947
  • Imperialist ideals; popular culture; representations of empire
  • Relations with indigenous peoples; protest and conflict; colonial identity; the development of nationalist movements

The winds of change, 1947–1967

  • Decolonisation in Africa
  • British colonial policy and administration; the Commonwealth
  • Trade and commerce; post-war reconstruction
  • The role and influence on attitudes to empire of: nationalist leaders, colonial administration
  • Post-colonial political, economic and cultural ties; migration; the residual impact of empire; popular culture
  • Relations with indigenous peoples; challenges to colonial rule in Africa and Asia

Challenge and transformation: Britain, c1851–1964

Transformation and change, 1939–1964

  • Social changes and divisions: austerity and the impact of war; immigration and racial tensions
  • Developments in social policy: the growth of the Welfare State, including the NHS; the growth of education.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

Pupils will:

  • Understand the significance of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on today’s society.
  • Recognise some of the key features of culture and life in West Africa prior to the arrival of Europeans to the continent and the start of transatlantic slavery
  • Be introduced to Black role models and celebrate their achievements and excellence

Gatsby benchmarks

4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers

  • Students will have the opportunity to talk to museum specialists about their roles and career pathways.

5. Encounters with Employers and Employees

  • Students will learn from museum experts about various skills needed in the sector. For example, presenting and debate, collections care and handling.

6. Experience of Workplaces

  • Pupils will have first hand experience of a cultural sector work place and working culture during their visit. This experience will give them an understanding of how front of house museum staff work and provide opportunities for them to expand their networks.

7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education

  • For workshops taking place in our LJMU or Wirral Met learning bases students will have the opportunity to learn in a FE/HE learning setting. Opportunities to meet staff or students can be provided.


Pupils will:

  • Use historical terms and concepts in a sophisticated and empathetic way.
  • Identify significant events, make connections and draw contrasts.
  • Analyse primary sources, including reliability and bias.


Pupils will:

  • Be introduced to artefacts in a museum context and as primary sources of investigation.
  • Recognise cause and consequence


Pupils will:

  • Increase confidence in identifying and challenging racism.
  • Have an increased understanding and respect for differences and diversity.