Join Museum of Liverpool’s Curatorial Fellow, Iris Sirendi, for a look into the fascinating yet often hidden stories of disability history and heritage in our collections. Explore the diverse stories of disabled people throughout Liverpool’s history, from the changing ways in which we lead our everyday lives, to some of our sporting stars. Learn where we can find disability history on display in all our collections, spanning across the decades all the way up to the modern day. From social history all the way to sports, politics and even transport, find out how we are working to uncover the rich histories of D/deaf, disabled, and neurodiverse Liverpool lives.
Curating for Change places D/deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people, like our Fellow, in curatorial roles in museums across England. Find out more about Museum of Liverpool’s role as a host museum as part of the ground-breaking work of the Curating for Change programme, whilst uncovering spectacular objects and stories of disability history in Liverpool.
This is a free talk but places are limited so please book your free ticket below.
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If there is anything you need to help make this talk more accessible to you please contact Matt on Matt.Exley@liverpoolmuseums.org.uk to discuss how we can help you.
Image © Pete Carr
Beyond the label talks
Our museums and galleries are a treasure trove of fascinating stories and world class collections. In this exciting series of talks you will get the opportunity to meet the experts who care for our collections, find out never-before-told behind the scenes stories of our most beloved objects, and get the opportunity to pick the brains of a real museum expert.
Go beyond the museum labels and delve into the fascinating world of art, history, science, and community stories in this unmissable series.
Find all the upcoming talks on the beyond the label page and book your tickets!