Mersey Morris - dance at the museum

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Morris dancing is the name given to the traditional dances of England, covering many types of dance. Join Mersey Morris at 12.30pm as they perform several of these dances accompanied by live music played by a multi-talented band of musicians.

After the performance there will be the chance to have a go yourself. You can join Mersey Morris for a free hour-long workshop starting at 2pm. Meet the team and learn a dance.

There has been a Morris dance side in Liverpool for almost 100 years, when the Liverpool Morris Men were founded. Mersey Morris is the proud inheritor of this tradition and has been in existence since 1962, when the Liverpool men joined with the Wirral Morris Men. Two years ago they adopted open membership and now welcome all into their number.

Morris dance is a great source of fun and fitness. Mersey Morris are always looking to welcome new talent to the team. Please speak to one of the team if you are interested in joining.