Amina Atiq - This Poem is About Me

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Join published poet, performance artist and award-winning community activist, Amina Atiq, in a children's workshop exploring identity through heritage. 

As a Yemeni-Scouse poet, Amina uses her workshop to introduce children to Arab culture through poetry. This will be a fun and creative exploration of how our culture shapes our identity, plus the children will get to learn some Arabic words. 

This workshop is an hour long and aimed at children 5-11 years old.

Tickets will be available in venue from the Ticket Desk. Due to limited space, tickets will be on a first come first served basis.
More on Amina Atiq
A BBC Words First 2019 Finalist and Young Associate for Curious Minds, Poet in Residence for Queensland Poetry Festival 2020-21, and Metal Southend. Currently writing her solo show, Broken Biscuits to explore her gran-mothers 1970s Yemeni- British household. In 2020, she produced a short documentary, Unheard Voices, commissioned by DaDaFest capturing the stories of Yemeni shopkeepers in Liverpool. She is working on a new online and print project, Scouse Pilgrimage commissioned by Unity Theatre. Upcoming publications found at Sutton Manor, Speaking Volumes and Cordite Poetry Review.