Grand parade of the bees

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Join our vibrant parade of flowers and pollinators as we celebrate the importance of bees! Create a spectacle with us as we head out from World Museum at 3pm, then waggle our way along William Brown Street, along side Bob the Butterfly, Gerry the Gerbera and with dance moves from Movema, bringing our story of the bee out into nature.

All families are welcome but if you want to get more involved with our parade then you could book onto one of our workshops beforehand to really 'bee' parade-prepared!

Book to make your very own mini wildlower meadow, or to make a colourful costume to wear as we swarm down William Brown Street, making the biggest buzz Liverpool has ever heard!

Come along to meet Bob the Butterfly and Gerry the Gerbera, who have escaped from our wildflower meadow and are looking to make friends around the museum at 11am and 1pm.

You can also watch a brilliant performance form the award-winning world dance group Movema at 2pm outside the museum.

We'll only be waggling over a short distance but please wear sensible shoes and weather appropriate clothing.

Image courtesy of Artemis, by Peachy Pictures Photography